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General FAQs

OMNI NOVAS is a collective enterprise dedicated to creating innovative solutions for a wide range of sectors, including government, education, security, and more. We specialize in developing websites, apps, and platforms to address various needs.

You can reach us through our website’s contact form or by emailing our support team at support[a] We are also available on social media for inquiries.

OMNI NOVAS serves government agencies, educational institutions, businesses, and organizations across various sectors, including public security, administration, agriculture, transportation, healthcare, and sustainable development.

Services FAQs

Web Development

We develop a wide range of websites, including corporate websites, e-commerce platforms, educational portals, and more. Our websites are tailored to meet your specific needs.

Yes, we offer website maintenance services to ensure that your site remains up-to-date and secure. Our team can handle regular updates, content changes, and security patches.

Yes, we offer app development services in addition to website development. Our experienced team can create both web applications and mobile apps to meet your specific needs. Whether you require a mobile app for iOS, Android, or a web application accessible from any browser, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life. Contact us to discuss your app development project in detail.


Absolutely, we have experience in developing both Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce solutions to suit your business model.

We integrate secure payment gateways into e-commerce platforms, allowing for seamless and secure online transactions. We have our own QR Pay system and credit lines for our partners and customers.

Yes, we offer a unique dropshipping solution designed for partners who want to become sellers/merchants but may not have their own website or app. In this setup, we can build and manage the e-commerce platform on your behalf. You, as the partner, will handle the transactions, and funds will be released only after the products are successfully delivered to customers. This streamlined approach allows you to enter the world of dropshipping without the need for your own website or app. Please reach out to us for more details on how we can assist you in this dropshipping venture.

We offer flexibility when it comes to payment gateways. Our e-commerce platforms can be integrated with a wide range of payment gateways to accommodate various payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and more. We work with you to select the payment gateways that best suit your business and target audience.

Yes, we provide product catalog management services. Our team can assist in adding, updating, and managing product listings, ensuring that your e-commerce platform remains up-to-date with the latest offerings. This service helps streamline your product management processes.

Office Systems

Our customer support system streamlines customer inquiries and responses, ensuring efficient communication and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Yes, we tailor Meeting Platforms to your requirements, allowing for personalized virtual meetings and collaboration tools.

Our CRM system centralizes customer data, automates tasks, and improves communication, resulting in better customer understanding and loyalty.

Absolutely. Our customer support systems are highly customizable. We can tailor the system to align with your brand’s identity and specific requirements. From branding elements to support ticket workflows, we ensure that the system reflects your unique needs.

Security is a top priority. Our Meeting Platforms are equipped with robust security features to protect your confidential business discussions. These include end-to-end encryption, user authentication, and access control measures, ensuring that your meetings remain secure.

Security and Justice

Our facial recognition technology empowers law enforcement to identify and apprehend criminals accurately and swiftly, bolstering security measures.

We offer solutions to modernize correctional facilities, improving inmate management and rehabilitation programs for better outcomes.

Yes, our correctional facility management solutions are highly customizable. We work closely with correctional facilities to understand their unique needs and challenges, then tailor our solutions accordingly. Whether it’s inmate management, rehabilitation programs, or administrative processes, our solutions can be adapted to specific requirements.

Facial recognition technology analyzes facial features to identify individuals. Our law enforcement platforms use this technology to match faces against a database of known individuals, helping law enforcement agencies quickly identify suspects or persons of interest. We prioritize privacy and data security in these systems.

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Who Are We?

OMNI (Open More to New Innovations) NOVAS Groups is a collective of enterprises dedicated to fostering innovation and shared prosperity. Our mission is to develop enterprises where all partners can benefit from joint investments, transforming ideas into thriving digital realities. 

Transforming Ideas into Reality

Join our groups in shaping the future of technology and business, and together, we build, manage, and celebrate progress as a leading innovator in technology solutions, by partnering with businesses and governments while transforming ideas to empower our partners with cutting-edge technology, offering ready-made solutions, and fostering collaborative success.

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66 West Flagler Street, Suite 900Miami, FL, 33130

OMNI NOVAS Groups, LLC © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
